El Blog de Keane: 5 dias empezando el tour

Lo que dijeron en la pagina oficial antes y despues del show en Argentina:

12.04.07 02.55.pm
Hello from Buenos Aires! We arrived here on Tuesday morning and kicked off the sightseeing that very afternoon with a trip to the beautiful cemetery where Eva Perón is buried. Then yesterday during the day we went to a gallery and to the shops in an area called Palermo Soho, which was very nice. And then last night I took the band and their lovely crew to a tourist Tango Show. We started with dinner served at the speed of lightning. You had to be careful your plates weren't taken away before you'd finished, the waiters were so fast! Dinner was followed by an hour of all-singing, all-dancing, ankle flicking, leg kicking, passion and romance. Excellent! We came away very much inspired by a true tradition of Argentina!It's been a great trip so far - everyone is very relaxed and enjoying themselves. Now we're all looking forward to the first show of the tour tomorrow night...

13.04.07 11.41.am
Hello again. Here's a picture I took at the soundcheck for a TV show called Much Music. Ant, our audio crew chief, made sure the sound was as fabulous as ever.

14.04.07 09.13.am
Hi Again

09:30am and we were sound-checking at the River Plate Stadium, getting ready for our first show of the tour. It was a lovely day but we are all getting eaten alive by Argentinean mosquitoes.

Off to Santiago, Chile next. See you there!

14.04.07 02.13.pm
Wow! What a place to play our first show! We've had such a great time here in Buenos Aires. The show last night was just one of the most enjoyable nights we've had - we are so far from home, but feel so welcome. It's a shame to be leaving, but as Tom said, we'll be back. The noise of the crowd last night was something else - the reputation of the Latin American crowd for energy and enthusiasm is totally deserved, and the sight of thousands of people jumping up and down during IIAW will stay with me a long time.

Thank you Argentina!


16.04.07 09.31.am

Pics from the Buenos Aires soundcheck. Here's the latest blog from Keane's Latin American jaunt, this time featuring the superb pictures of Rob Sinclair, Keane's king of lighting and technology:

Hello. Here are some pictures from soundcheck the morning of the Buenos Aires gig. I had to bust out the fish-eye lens as the River Plate Stadium was too huge for anything else to cope with.I've got to run or I'll be late for the flight to Chile - more when I can. Rob

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